Version : 2.3.1
Offered by : Citra Multimedia Indonesia, PT
Size : 11 MB
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The general formula that is embraced by online media is to reach as many readers as possible alias traffic. The more pages that are opened (pageview) readers, the more money flows to make the coffers of fat publishers.
From here begins the online media competition to persuade people to open their pages. Tantalizing titles, indulgence in sensation, even deceiving and manipulating (click bait) almost become a daily menu.
Topics surrounding mysticism, crime, and sexuality were also exploited completely.
Online media is also very deifying speed with the main selling breaking news. Competing with television, online media strives to be at the forefront in presenting the latest information about whatever is happening. Including, light news (crispy news).
Two tendencies that make quality often overlooked. As a result, various news portals are almost the same: shallow, only contain statements (talking news), poor context and meaning.
We recommend that not present new journalism, but "old journalism", that is, journalism that refers back to its roots: a noble task that hunts for truth and then presents it back to the reader with a righteous intention so that audiences are enlightened and empowered. The trick is to strengthen all the journalistic standards and values that have been known so far: promoting curiosity accompanied by skepticism, checking re-checking and re-verification, as well as strengthening the basic values of journalistic ethics.
As a "News Video Portal", appears in the form of multimedia. Content is not only in the form of text and photos, but also video, audio, graphics, and videography. Through videos that are full of content, the audience is expected to get lots of information, as well as enlightened and inspired. Through in-depth, investigative writings, complete with context and presented crisply, audiences and decision makers are expected to understand complex issues and obtain references to decide on something.
Together with experienced crew members and a strong and trusted Media Group network, also utilizes public data and then presents it as informative news with an attractive visual display. Through visualization that is easily understood by the audience will make abundant data can be useful knowledge. believes that this quality of journalism is needed by the public and controllers of change. Without ignoring the speed aspect, is committed to bringing quality journalism. We believe that the presence of will provide broad benefits for all parties.
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